Test Player


Current version: 0.2.15

(Some Textures and Icons in this project are not licensed for distribution and are for testing purposes only)

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Please Note:

Absolutely everything in the web-player is temp and is for systems development only.

Use the W & S keys to move forward and backwards.

Steer using "mouse down" by clicking and dragging on the screen.

Click the Character Icon to open & close the Button Bar.

Click the Pentagram Icon to open & close the Spell Bar.

Swipe the button bar to cycle thru the button menus

Click on a chest to loot it. This will open the Loot and Inventory Windows

Click on an item in the inventory to equip it if there is a free slot

Click the left-most icon in the options menu of the icon bar to restart the level.

Please leave any comments and feedback for me at:

Little Angel on the Unity3D forum, or on the forums here on The Ant Ranch.

- Little Angel -

Experimenting with Occlusion Culling, Light Mapping, Spell VFX, Additional Geometry... very mutable and not worth tracking in detail.

Most systems are stable now. Basic quests can be done and all of the menus and windows work fine.

There has been a fatal bug introduced into this project, so I'm rebuilding it from the ground up.

Two steps forward and one step back... First pass on combat-like behaviour and more GUI. Click on a spider to target it. Click on the character icon (upper left) to open the button bar. The second button in the spell list (some sort of firey void...) is the only working spell and will kill the targeted spider if the character is within combat range of the targeted spider. After killing the spider, you can click on it again to open a loot window. Currently looting is disabled and you will not be able to close the inventory panel - but you can always restart the level...

Functionality has apparently gone backwards as I refit this projet to EZ GUI. Many changes under the hood. including properly animated monsters (spiders). Click on one. If you are close enough, your mighty magic power will incinerate it, leaving you a corpse to loot. You must click on the corpse a second time to close the loot window and click on the character icon twice to remove the inventory window. The funny brown button to the left opens the "spell book". First pass on the 3D GUI. Other than page flipping, it is functionless. Rough... but coming along!

Basic quests can now be completed. The only ones currently implemented are Thadius' Lost Skull & Rat's Eyes. The framework for single and multiple item quests are complete, however, even if stacking is not yet implemented within the inventory.


Added the field of dead rats to test loot tables. These rats now draw from 3 loot tables, each with their own chances to create loot.

Currently partway through refitting the existing OnGUI() windows with EZGUI. The button bar on the bottom is EZGUI, but the rest of the windows are OnGUI(). The inventory window has been successfully migrated to EZGUI, but won't be implement it until I have all the other windows working with EZGUI.